Yoga4Yogi is an educational center.
Our main goal is to live and promote a healthy lifestyle
through yoga, pilates, dance, dietetics, and nutritional counseling.
We are an accredited center of the Ministry of Education and the Yoga Alliance (RYS200, RYS300, RYS500).
With a certificate obtained from us, you can conduct classes all over the world.
Yoga instructor - accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science and Yoga Alliance
(combined study - full-time practice, distance learning)
You have a great opportunity to expand your qualifications.
We offer very intensive yoga courses for future yoga lecturers, but also for those of you, who want to learn more about yoga and are not interested in teaching.
In addition to experienced yoga instructors, in our team, we also have doctors, physiotherapists, and nutritionists, who combine yoga with their disciplines and provide their unique perspectives on the subject.
The study is combined, so the practical subjects are taught in person and some of the theoretical subjects are online!
Join our Yoga school to enhance your yoga practice and receive a professional Yoga Alliance certification recognized globally!
With over 10 years of experience, we are an educational center providing authentic, scientific yoga education.
Yoga instructors will be led to gain pedagogical, methodical, and practical knowledge in the area of yoga lessons.
Yoga instructors will learn basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, psychology, law, yoga rules, and other subjects.
Yoga instructors will learn how to construct exercise programs and separate lessons by the level of the clients.
Yoga instructors will be taught the basic techniques of asanas (poses), techniques of conscious breathing, techniques of bandhas, work with chakras, and relaxation and meditation techniques.
Yoga instructors will be given basic tools to prevent lifestyle diseases (back pain, high blood pressure), but also other diseases. This will be done through the practice of asanas and pranayama.
Yoga instructors will be shown cleansing techniques. The instructors will be led to propagate a healthy lifestyle and ethical and moral principles by the rules of yoga.
Why should you choose us?
At our course, you can get a certificate of MŠMT* and Yoga Alliance (RYT 200, RYT 300 & RYT500)
Our school conducts courses in a primarily experiential way and tries, among other things, to make the students enjoy it as much as possible
Apart from yoga teachers, our team consists of also doctors, physiotherapists, and nutritionists, who combine yoga with their disciplines and provide their unique perspectives on the subject
Just like other institutions of education, we pass all the requirements of MŠMT* and Yoga Alliance and have a team of experienced teachers
Courses take place in Prague
(*MŠMT is the Czech Ministry of Education Youth and Sports)
Course content
Guided Practice
Pranajama, conscious breath work, and energy
Analytical Training
Standing Postures
Sitting Postures
Backbending Postures
Balance Postures and Inversions
Prone Postures
Supine Postures
Finishing Postures
Correct posture and deep stabilization system and effect and contraindication of asanas
Teaching Methodology
Communication, Time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries
Composition of lesson
Lesson Management methodology
Law and sport
Sport Hygiene
Education and its role, The student learning process
Specific groups of trainees
Anatomy and physiology
Body Composition
Composition of bones, joints, muscles
Muscular work
Anatomy in movement
First Aid
Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics
The study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts (Pathanjali the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita)
Nejbližší kurz bude zahájen v sobotu 23. 11. 2024 a potrvá do 8. 4. 2025.
Buďte i Vy jeho součástí.
Instruktor jógy HJ3 - VOLNÁ MÍSTA
Prezenční výuka
začínáme 29. 11. 2024
18 - 21h
30. 11. - 1. 12. 2024
9 - 18h
4. - 5. 1. 2025
9 - 18h
11. - 12. 1. 2025
9 - 18h
15. - 16. 2. 2025
9 - 18h
15. - 16. 3. 2025
9 - 18h
5. - 6. 4. 2025
9 - 18h
Kombinované studium, distanční výuka popsaná termínově v rubrice "Přehled kurzů"
Instruktor jógy HJ5 - VOLNÁ MÍSTA
Prezenční výuka
začínáme 10. 1. 2025
18 - 21h
11. - 12. 1. 2025
9 - 18h
15. - 16. 2. 2025
9 - 18h
1. - 2. 3. 2025
9 - 18h
15. - 16. 3. 2025
9 - 18h
12. - 13. 4. 2025
9 - 18h
17. - 18. 5. 2025
9 - 18h
Kombinované studium, distanční výuka popsaná termínově v rubrice "Přehled kurzů"
Instruktor jógy HJ4 - VOLNÁ MÍSTA
Do kurzu může vstoupit prakticky kdykoliv.
Kombinované studium, distanční výuku si domluvíme po připhlášení... jsou k dispozici videa on line a live streams přibližně 3x za semestr.
Kurz probíhá vždy v úterý a ve čtvrtek od 17:00 do 19:15, zároveň se můžete zúčastnit některých lekcí v pondělí a ve středu od 18 do 19h.
Kurz skončí po absolvování 200 vyučovacích hodin, 135 min jsou 3 vyučovací hodiny.
Kurz probíhá, jako jediný v Hostivici (ostatní kurzy jsou na Barrandově ve škole v tělocvičně), kde máme soukromé studio. Jede k nám asi 12 linek MHD Praha, ale bezkonkurenčně nejrychlejší je vlak z Masaryčky, ten je tady za 25 min.
Počet míst je velmi omezen, máme malé studio :), ale za to krásné.
Dále tu pobíhají zvířata - kočky a psi, takže pokud jste alergičtí, tak na HJ4 nastoupit nemůžete.
Zavolejte ve všední den od 9 do 17h na: 733 665 151 - Blanka Janíčková
Instruktor jógy 300h 2024 - VOLNÁ MÍSTA
Zavolej, domluvíme si režii, zda Tvůj kurz bude presenčně nebo kumulovaně (distanční + presenční).
Domluvíme si program na kurz, můžeš začít preakticky kdykoliv, třeba hned zítra.
NYNÍ PROBÍHAJÍCÍ KURZY naleznete v rubrice "Přehled kurzů"